My dual purpose (USB/RS232) cable
from Nikon Coolpix 880 USB cable

original connectorCAUTION !!! There is no guarantee about everything written in this page. All the schematic (pinning ...etc) come from my, Per and David measurements and analysis. Our Nikon connector numerotation is probably far away from the Nikon one...
Use this procedure described below at your own risks ! I suppose Nikon would not recomand it.

Per and David are persons that i met on the DP review forum on that subject (see the specific thread).
Per develop a software to drive Coolpix from a PC. You can visit his web site.
David was the first to modify his cable, you can also visit his web site.or this other version of it

Because Nikon serial cable is expensive and very hard to buy (delay are very long), i decided to build my own serial cable from the USB delivered with my Coolpix 880.


1- First step : removing plastic

It's quite easy with a little knife (very well sharpened), but be carefull because wires inside are very very small and easily destroyed. However i succeeded without having to unsolded USB wires.

opened connector top opened connector bottom

very little connector


Remember : You need to be very precise because the connector is very little !


2- Second step : Soldering 4 rs232 wires on the unsolded tags

nikon connector pinning


The Nikon connector pinning as described on the David web site.


On the schematic below, red connection (USB) already exist inside original Nikon cable, blue (rs232) should be added.


Remarks :

with 4 wires more...

idem on the other side.

3- Third step : Covering it

To protect all the tags and soldering, i used some thermic slipcover (on the right side of the 1st image below).
The diameter of this thermic slipcover has the property to decrease with heat.
On my cable, i used 3 layers of it.

thermic slipcoverfinal connector

Conclusion :

Since this modification, "my" cable is still functional for USB connections, but now also for RS232 connections. It work correctly with Nikon View 3.1 (configured to use port COM1) and my 5 meter extension cable (no shield inside).
Images transfering speed with this cable seems to be classic, see below :

total cable

Enjoy !
